I'm sorry

Prices of some products will change

So, please come and get your hands on the things you want, have wanted, and your favorites that you keep buying in March before April.

Or click now on our online store

Even now, we receive frequent notifications of "price increases" from the production site (factory) and various business partners.

It can't be helped, but for a small brand like us, this was massively painful news.

But I continued to accept it as it was.

However, since it has exceeded the acceptable range, I will change the price.

I am also a consumer, so I like the cute prices that I have become accustomed to.

It is true that many people are involved in the process of making the products we handle into a single product.

It depends on the angle and the part you look at.

One thing we can say for sure is that each product is made with great care.

Also, since they use salt to make it, I should pay them for that.

Personally, I agree.

The decision to change the price was made because the cost of raw materials has changed over time.

The raw material is thread.

Silk thread! Silk thread.

To put it simply, the cocoons that are the raw material for silk are agricultural products that require a lot of work, so there is no hope of increasing production, and mulberry trees, which are used as feed for silkworms, are usually cultivated in the wild, so the yield is not constant from year to year, which means there are fluctuations in the yield of cocoons.

And to make a solid, round cocoon, you need to ensure a comfortable environment and keep it going, so you have to pay for things like electricity, labor, and other rearing costs.

ar* is said to be priced more reasonably than other silk brands (*according to customers who have been using silk items for a long time).

We will continue to provide products at reasonable prices.

This motto has never changed and will never change!

However, in the end, it is up to you, the customer, to decide whether the product is expensive or cheap.

However, all of us at ar* are dedicated to researching, challenging, and developing every day in order to provide you with products that you will love and that you will inevitably want to buy again and again, products that you will describe as "great!", "satisfying," "wonderful," "cute," and "worth more than the price!"

We hope you will continue to have high expectations from now on!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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