Recommendation ⑥ for Mother's Day

The PUS in Kamakura has also ended.

Thank you very much to everyone who came!

Wakamiya Oji is an open street, so the winds blowing in from the mountains are strong, and there were many days when we were blown away by the strong winds. To be honest, there were times when we got wind-tired, but it was a venue that gave ar* a good experience.

It was during Golden Week, so Kamakura was very lively.

Every time we hold a pop-up store, it's so much fun to encounter so many new things! We plan to continue popping up in various cities!

Well, Mother's Day is finally starting to get some focus in the media.

I've been seeing more and more corners introducing "gifts like this, gifts like that"

Mother's Day is an important event for everyone.

Let ar* help you with this important event!

We would be very happy if ar* could help you find a gift that expresses your gratitude.

This is the sixth time we have put together a series of products that will allow you to enjoy silk every day.

I thought it would be perfect for mothers who do a lot of housework with water.

How about a set of ar*Silk Skin Veil and 100% silk towels ?

Simply put, ar*Silk Skin Veil is “paint-on silk”!

"Wearing silk" is the mainstream trend, but this product allows you to directly experience the quality of silk by placing it on your skin, covering it, or wrapping it around you.

It is best used before and after doing wet chores that cause irritation, but it can also be used as a hand cream, or as a moisturizing and protective cream that can be applied to the face or anywhere on the body.

Once applied, it is absorbed into the skin and leaves the skin smooth.

So you can get on with other household chores right away.

It is also a versatile cream that is a huge seller at ar*!

And 100% silk towels

We have many customers touching this towel in store, and they all express their surprise with their faces when they feel it. It's an incredibly soft and pleasant towel.

"Because it's pure silk," I tell my customers afterwards.

I always enjoy seeing them say, "Oh, I see, that's right."

This is an item that we are 100% confident in.

You can use the towel to wipe your hands or your body, and everyone has many opportunities to come into contact with towels in their daily lives, but mothers in particular do so often, right?

If you'd like, please check out ar*Silk Skin Veil and 100% silk towels at our online store.

Personally, I think silk is the best gift to help your mother stay healthy and beautiful every day.

So, please enjoy your Mother's Day gift selection while thinking of your mother.


Recommendations for Mother 's Day are here↓

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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