#90 Happy Happy Anniversary to us ;)) lolol

The idea of ​​establishing a silk brand began on April 12, 2022.

So, yesterday was our first anniversary of the Silk Business.

It's quite moving, indeed.

I was talking to a former colleague at a bar about starting a silk fashion brand, and we started to make it a reality.

It wasn't just a joke or something, we just decided to start it up, but we had a proper discussion, took it seriously, and got started.

But actually, at the very beginning, we were drinking alcohol...

The next day, when we were sober, we discussed seriously whether or not we should launch the brand, and we got started.

ar* is a female duo

We still work together as a team.

I never imagined how I would feel about starting my own brand a year later, but I am now convinced that I am glad I started my own silk brand.

I truly feel this way every day.

We personally don't earn anything yet, but before we started the brand, when I was working as the head of marketing for a foreign fashion brand, I was paid a very good salary, but now I find more meaning in my work and I don't waste my time on pointless, stupid stuff!

It's not something that can be described simply as "fulfilling," nor is it something like "free from unnecessary stress." How should I put it? It's like my intellectual curiosity is piqued, or my brain is stimulated... I can't think of any adjectives that can accurately express how I'm feeling right now.

(My vocabulary is too poor)

I've learned a lot about silk in the past year, but there's still so much more to it and it has so much potential to be expanded, so I'm looking forward to it every day.

We will continue to work hard in the hope that as many people as possible can experience the beauty and greatness of silk!

I will continue to enjoy my Silk Addiction life.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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