Golden Week has begun, so bring Silk UV Shield with you on your leisure time!

The Golden Week long holiday has begun, and it seems like a lot of people are out and about, so the roads were very crowded. Where are they all going?
The weather was nice and it made me wonder if there was something fun going on somewhere.

I'm happy that there are finally more days when we can go out wearing short sleeves, but I've also heard on the news that the number of people being taken to hospital with heatstroke is also increasing.

It's nice to have good weather, but on days when you spend a lot of time outside doing leisure activities, you want to make sure you take proper precautions against sunburn.
Especially camping and BBQs in nature, relaxing on the beach, or even just spending the whole day outside shopping can cause damage to your skin.

In times like these, it's great to have Silk UV Shield with you when you go out!

Wearing sunglasses and hats are good ways to protect yourself from the sun, but children especially hate hats and won't wear them... Have you ever had that happen?

In times like these, it's important to apply sunscreen properly to protect your skin from UV rays.
So, instead of just choosing a strong sunscreen, you want to choose a gentle one that even children can use!

When I apply sunscreen, I can't help but feel the weight on my skin... But Silk is gentle on the skin, so of course that's a good thing!
What's more, Silk UV Shield is even lighter and smoother to the touch. It is paraben-free and made of gentle materials that can be used by small children, and the numerical data shows that it provides effective sun protection.

This is just my own research, but I feel physically better on days when I wear sunglasses and take proper precautions against the sun. Perhaps my eyes get less tired because the UV rays that enter through my eyes and the damage that my skin receives are reduced. Since I started thinking this, I have started to take precautions against the sun when I go out or do outdoor activities!

Summer hasn't even started yet, it's only just May!
Take advantage of the free shipping campaign currently running (until May 19th) and get your hands on this essential sunscreen containing silk ingredients.

Coupon code: GWMD2024


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