It was hot today

Everyone walking around town is dressed in summer attire!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is early summer today.

It was a day saved by the Silk Avengers!

There was an exhibition in Daikanyama, but it was quite far from the station, and since it was hot outside I didn't want to sweat as much as possible, so I walked very slowly, but the further I walked the more I sweated...

IVY PLACE is fully booked

I headed to the venue, wiping the sweat off my face with a silk hand towel while glancing at people enjoying brunch, cafe, or lunch on the cool terrace, and taking in the sights of the people around Daikanyama recently.

However, I kept walking, frustrated by the lack of shade and the inability to escape the sun's rays (muttering to myself the whole time, "Am I fat?", "Why am I sweating so much?", "Will I be okay when the real summer comes? No, it will be over," and imagining the horrible summers in Japan).

Wipe away sweat from your face with a silk towel in your hand!

The silk bralette and silk ribbed top capture sweat around the breasts, stomach, back and waist, while the silk jersey bottoms capture sweat from the buttocks, back of the thighs and behind the knees! The silk ribbed socks keep your feet from feeling stuffy and sweaty.

( Silk shorts are great, especially for the groin area! They don't hurt when they rub, they don't get black stains like synthetic fabrics do, and they absorb sweat quickly in that area.)

The sun was annoying, but the Silk Avengers took care of the sweat, so it was a comfortable day in the end! lol

If it weren't for Silk Avengers, I wouldn't be where I am today.

So, everyone, please welcome the Silk Avengers !

It will help you get rid of the unpleasant summer discomfort.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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