Here are some happy comments!

The POPUP is currently being held at Coredo Muromachi 3 and has received rave reviews, but when we try to talk to people about Silk, some of them already know about it...!

I always feel a sense of mission to spread the word about silk, so I couldn't be happier.

Among them, we have received some encouraging comments, so we would like to share them with you!


"The roughness of my heels is gone. I understand. They're becoming smooth."


That's what someone who was looking at the 2way warmer said. When I tried to tell them that the roughness in their heels would go away, they could already feel it.

Yes, that's what people who have actually tried it know.


Other people said, "Come to think of it, I haven't used a pumice stone on my heels since I started wearing silk."


I feel like I have to do something when I feel a bit rough, but when I get better,

Oh... now that I think about it... I haven't been taking care of my hair at all lately. Is it because of silk? That's what you notice.

Next up is this!


"Since I changed my panties to silk ones, my bottom has become so smooth!"


A very honest customer makes a bold confession! Lol No, but it's true. When she wears silk, other underwear feels thick, so she bought several pieces of silk. And when she wears silk, her buttocks become smooth.

If you wear silk underwear, your skin will become smoother and smoother. This is because silk is the material closest to human skin and is a gentle fiber. If you have dry skin all over your body, just changing your underwear to silk may help improve your dryness. Or, you may be able to reduce the amount of cream you use on your whole body!


Some people who suffer from severe rough hands have come to our store to tell us that their rough hands have improved since they started wearing silk gloves when they sleep.

While each person's concerns are different, I would say with confidence that there is no harm in wearing silk.

Please try touching and using silk and be amazed!



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