Women's Affairs

Being a fangirl, I want to know all the trends (these sounds are so Showa! LOL)

In addition, I don't want to miss any news about silk, so I spend my days Googling things related to silk on the internet!

Although, maybe I didn't do that much!?!

Recently, the voices and consultations I've been hearing from people around me are all about the worries, responses, and situations of "menopausal disorders."

It's not just people in their 40s or over, but even people in their 30s have this anxious question of "maybe?" when they go out to eat or talk about it over coffee...

Menopause isn't just a problem for the elderly!

It is also true that there are so many cases of "premature menopause" that it is no exaggeration to call it a modern disease.

So, it seems that even people in their 20s are struggling with this.

When I was in my mid-30s, I realized that my constitution had changed a lot. My skin type had changed, and the cosmetics I had been using up until then no longer suited me. From then on, I stopped wearing foundation (or maybe it would be more accurate to say I couldn't wear it), and for a moment I wondered if I was going through early menopause.

I also remember doing some research (I felt like I should see a specialist first, but I was able to work normally anyway, so I let it go and have stayed that way until now... but I'm not sure if this was right or not! If you have any doubts, you should see a specialist! If you feel something is wrong with your body, or that you're not your usual self, don't judge yourself, but see a doctor at the hospital and get the right medicine! Prescription medicine is the best! ... but I'm digressing a bit)

I don't know if it was because my constitution changed due to menopause, or because my job was so hard and stressful at the time, but I'm still afraid of my skin rejecting it like I did back then, so I haven't worn foundation since then.

And when it comes to basic skincare, I only use coloured cosmetics in the morning when I have to go out and have to look good.

(The ar* Silk Moisturizing Wash is enough for me! Lol. Sometimes when my skin is really dry, I use the ar* Silk Skin Veil.)

I've digressed again, but the most common symptom I hear from people who are worried about menopause is "hot flashes," a symptom unique to menopause.

The cause of this seems to be the repeated decrease and recovery of female hormones that affects the autonomic nervous system, causing problems.

The autonomic nervous system expands blood vessels to release heat when it is hot, and contracts blood vessels to prevent heat from escaping when it is cold.

If this doesn't work, you may suddenly break out into a sweat even when it's not hot, or you may continue to sweat profusely without stopping, or you may feel hot or flushed, even if you don't sweat.

If the symptoms are severe, you should definitely see a doctor, but if the symptoms are not that severe, there are some simple things you can do to ease the discomfort.

It's silk! Silk is the best.

In any case, if your first priority is to relieve discomfort, we recommend silk underwear and undergarments!

As I have said before, silk is a breathable fabric.

It quickly absorbs sweat and doesn't make the skin sticky. What's more, it keeps the body at a constant temperature without cooling the body down as the sweat cools, keeping you comfortable at all times.

Silk for beautiful skin, silk for cold, silk for cooling, silk for women during menopause

Of course, silk is the best!

Love Silk

Silk maniac


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