Increase your "happy hormones"!

Wow, it's spring🌸
It was cold until last week, but now it's this warm.

And today , April 4th, is "Happy Day" *
Wow! It's like the "happiness hormone" is being secreted in my body?!

What? What? "Happy hormone"?
There are substances released in the body when we feel happy.
Serotonin : A hormone that brings about feelings of happiness and relaxation (peace of mind and relaxation)

Dopamine: A hormone that responds to stimulation of the reward system and brings about a sense of happiness (motivation)
Endorphins : Hormones that relieve stress and pain and give you a feeling of pleasure (elevation)

Oxytocin : The hormone that brings about feelings of love and compassion
And they say that a deficiency of these "happiness hormones" can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health!!!

Stop negative thinking about things like lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and changing your diet.
Increase your "happy hormones"!
Goal achieved!
Eat foods high in protein!
Drink a hot drink!
Do what you love!
Listen to your favorite music!
Go for a massage!

Today, I'm wearing my favorite silk items to lift my spirits, watching my favorite Korean dramas and movies that interest me, laughing, eating a balanced meal, etc.
With a little ingenuity, 24/7 can become "happy days" 😊

Silk keeps you comfortable 24/7.


*This day became known as "Happy Day" because it is roughly halfway between the "Peach Festival" on March 3rd and the "Tango Festival" on May 5th. It is also said that it became known as "Happy Day" because it was the day when girls and boys came together, and it was established as a day to wish happiness for all children.
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