Silk denim…!?!?

The other day, I went to look at fabrics from a company that we do business with.

Once again, I was reminded of the many possibilities that silk has, and spent the day touching and feeling the fabric.

There are more textures to the fabric than you might imagine.

It's not that I'm an aficionado and can tell the subtle differences, but because silk is a type of fiber, a truly wide variety of things can be created depending on how it is processed.

The most shocking and unexpected thing was the silk denim - it was like real denim, but made to look like denim!

It has a firm texture and is very different from what people who only imagine satin would imagine.

Silk can be made to look like denim, it can be thick like cotton, and there's also the classic satin lets your imagination run wild and you can make all sorts of was a lot of fun to think that you can make anything you want if you put your mind to it.

However, because it is a fiber material made from living creatures called silkworms, it takes time and effort to make and is more expensive than other materials.

Furthermore, I heard from the factory that if abnormal weather causes continued high temperatures, the silkworms may die.
Abnormal weather can also cause food problems, such as Shine Muscat grapes and persimmons not blooming or becoming misshapen.

If silkworms become less likely to be raised in the future, could prices continue to rise?

While I was reminded of the potential of silk, the extreme weather, with its hot and cold temperatures, also made me worry about unnecessary things.

On the other hand, if you don't turn on the air conditioner, it will be too hot and you will get heatstroke... I wonder if silkworms are already being raised in air-conditioned rooms.


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