The world's first body shampoo made from rare and unusual silk cocoons.
ar* Silk Moisturizing Wash♪ Highly recommended!
Silk, which is said to be the finest fiber , has a history of over 5,000 years , and Japan was once the world's largest producer of raw silk.
In recent years, the emergence of synthetic fibers, the aging of producers, and a lack of successors have led to a nationwide decline in the industry... (Sad...)
Silk is a versatile fiber ( a rare fiber that can be worn, painted, and eaten ) , but it has not received much attention recently, and the easy-to-use and inexpensive chemical fiber industry has been expanding.
(Of course, I understand that fashion also requires technology .)
Once again, we want to spread the goodness of "silk" to the world! We want people to know about it! That's why we launched the silk fashion brand ar * . Today, we're going to talk about silk items that can be worn directly on the skin, scalp, face, and hair, as well as wearable silk.
It's R Silk Moisturizing Wash.
This product is made from a rare variety of silk called "midori mayu," which is a type of cocoon that can only be produced in limited numbers compared to the common white cocoon. The beauty ingredients in the highly pure natural silk are extracted and used to create a whole-body shampoo that is packed with these beauty ingredients.
Isn't that amazing!?!?
This beauty ingredient is a new product that contains a luxurious blend of rare "green cocoon" silk extract, unleashing the natural power of silk!
It protects moisture, fights UV rays, and naturally awakens the skin's natural power.
Rare is rich in sericin, a moisturizing ingredient unique to silk, and flavonoids, an antioxidant that has the potential to help with anti-aging, so it covers your skin as if it were wrapped in a veil of moisture, leaving it feeling soft and smooth after washing!
Silk is made from almost the same ingredients as human skin, so by using silk, which is as close to human skin as possible, you can prevent rough skin caused by dryness, or oily skin caused by an imbalance in the sebum balance, restore the turnover of the stratum corneum and the balance of the sebum film, and lead to beautiful, healthy skin that is full of moisture (I can say it! lol)
Because silk contains ingredients that effectively retain moisture, it is useful not only for the body and face, but also as a hair care item, providing rich moisture that lasts even after rinsing.
Yes, of course, I use it all the time! My skin and hair are in great condition.
That's why I highly recommend it! I want as many people as possible to share how amazing it is!
Finally, just between you and me, I just noticed something...
The other day, I neglected to wash my hair for a few days (for various reasons), and before, if I didn't wash it for three days, I would smell like a human, or like the sebum from my skin had accumulated, which is what you'd call an unwashed smell. But when I washed my hair with this Moisturizing Wash and left it for a few days, I discovered that the smell wasn't there!
Please note that I am not recommending that you go without washing your clothes for several days if you use this Silk Moisturizing Wash!
There may be various reasons for this, such as the coincidence of the period of neglect, restrictions on movement, or winter? In my case, I didn't notice any bad smell even though I hadn't washed my hair for a few days recently.
That being said, I think that the people I met during that time may have thought I was "kind of crap," but I don't think that's the case (I hope not! lol).
Perhaps the properties of the cocoon are at work here too!
The cocoon is bacteriostatic, so even if the silkworms excrete in it, the high bacteriostatic properties suppress the growth of bacteria, so maybe that's why the scalp and hair don't smell?
Anyway, truly ar* Silk Moisturizing Wash !
Really, I really recommend it.
Please give it a try! We also have sizes available so you can try it out.
PS If you use ar* Silk Moisturizing Wash to wash your hair, we recommend not using a conditioner or treatment after washing.
Otherwise, the precious silk beauty ingredients will be washed away!
However, it is a matter of personal choice, so these are just my recommendations.