
R's daily theme...maybe a motto?

ar*'s drawstring pouch is so convenient! Those of you who know me may already know this, but basically...Continue reading

R's daily theme...maybe a motto?

ar*'s drawstring pouch is so convenient! Those of you who know me may already know this, but basically...Continue reading

Amazing to touch, lovely to look at, inspiring ...

Last weekend, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and many people were out walking around town. However, as is common during this season, the flowers fall off quickly due...

Amazing to touch, lovely to look at, inspiring ...

Last weekend, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and many people were out walking around town. However, as is common during this season, the flowers fall off quickly due...

Utoizo! Men of the world

In this day and age, the Internet and WiFi have become standardized, and almost everyone has a smartphone. "Men of the world! Take better care of your body (skin)"...Continue reading...

Utoizo! Men of the world

In this day and age, the Internet and WiFi have become standardized, and almost everyone has a smartphone. "Men of the world! Take better care of your body (skin)"...Continue reading...

New item: Thong socks have arrived!

It's a little early, but we've started selling thong socks! Available in 7 colors, these cute thong socks peek out from under your sandals.

New item: Thong socks have arrived!

It's a little early, but we've started selling thong socks! Available in 7 colors, these cute thong socks peek out from under your sandals.

Increase your "happy hormones"!

Wow, it's spring🌸 It was cold until last week, but now it's this warm. And today, April 4th, is "Happy Day." Wow! It's like the "happiness hormone" is being secreted...

Increase your "happy hormones"!

Wow, it's spring🌸 It was cold until last week, but now it's this warm. And today, April 4th, is "Happy Day." Wow! It's like the "happiness hormone" is being secreted...

Perfect OUR-IT-item, specially for now

I think this is a very difficult time for people who suffer from hay fever. Everyone who uses our brand suffers from severe hay fever except for me and one...

Perfect OUR-IT-item, specially for now

I think this is a very difficult time for people who suffer from hay fever. Everyone who uses our brand suffers from severe hay fever except for me and one...