I want you to say "Wow!"

I hate to reveal my secrets a little bit, but
The main feeling I have when creating a product is to give the customer a WOW feeling.

This may seem a bit sudden, but it's raining today and I wasn't really in the mood, so I thought back to my roots and remembered that this is where it all began.

Still, isn't it early that the rainy season has already started in May in some places? lol


That " wow " feeling made me wonder what was going on, just like Okada from Masuda Okada... right? lol


Specifically, how do you feel when you pick up the product?
for example……

The price and the product are well matched.

・It's so stretchy , it goes against the conventional notion of silk!

・In addition to touting the health benefits of silk, they also boast beautiful designs.

・I tried it and I was like, Wow ! Silk is so good!

・What is Silk Cream ? Wow! It's rare,

・The cream feels great on the skin, the moisturizing wash feels great to use...Wow! etc...


Although each impression is different, what they have in common is whether there is something about the product that makes them say " Wow " and get surprised in a good way.
(I'd love for everyone to become Okada too. Lol)


The other day, I was shopping with a friend. There were many kinds of clothes and shoes, but I didn't find anything that I really wanted... But I'd be in trouble if I didn't have clothes...

When you think about why you've bought clothes in the past, have you always been drawn to a certain point?


The design is innovative, Wow ! The colors are great, Wow ! The model looks great wearing it, Wow !

When buyers from each brand feel the same way about the collections presented by designers from big fashion houses, they purchase the items, which then appear in stores and the collections are sold.

The most important thing is to make our customers feel the same Wow ! feeling that our buyers feel.


Even though I don't use words or conversation much, I think I am able to make use of what I learned in my previous job, and I am grateful for the environment I was in up until now, and for the current opportunity to create products like this.


ar* 's products are created behind the scenes like this.

I didn't choose the color or fabric for nothing! Just kidding!




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