Without silk trial (AHO me)

It was last week when the weather started getting hotter and it was getting harder to get to bed.

Electricity is expensive, so we shouldn't rely on air conditioning yet! It's too early! It's still June! I tell myself...

On such a day, I had noticed something that had been in my sight for a while, maybe 10 years ago, maybe 7 or 8 years ago?

These are my favorite printed pants that I got on sale at a select shop in Honolulu.

I won't mention the brand name, but regardless of whether it was on sale or not, it was just over $250 (US) including tax.

Now when I think about it, it's horrible, frustrating, and I'm astonished at how much of a Shopaholic I am.

Paying that much for polyester, nylon, and rayon... What an idiot.

Well, it's in the past now, so I'll forget about it.

However, I often took it with me when I went on business trips abroad, so it broke even!

I keep telling myself that (still...)

It's super thin and light, so I found it very useful.

I knew it had no effect on warmth or skin beauty, but

I used it because I couldn't stay in a hotel in my underwear.

I knew it, but I felt like experimenting.

On a hot night (unfortunately it was a really hot day) I tried sleeping in them.

I see

I immediately understood

It's impossible

But I thought to myself, "No, I have to try it for one night," and tried to fall asleep.

I was also physically exhausted from hosting a pop-up store.

It took me a while to fall asleep, but I did.

But! I woke up in the middle of the night.

It's so, so hot

I'm already sleepy, it wasn't a good quality sleep, and I have work tomorrow so I want to get rid of my fatigue.

Of course, it could be a hot night.

You can see that the surface of your feet is not able to breathe.

You might think it's a lie, but if you think so, that's fine.

I understand.

Ah, it's no good at all. I've been using silk for about two years now.

Since I started using ar*, everything that comes into contact with my skin is silk.

I realized how hard polyester, nylon, and rayon are to make.

Now that I truly understand, I can't stand having to wake up in the middle of the night because of my skin's reaction.

Moreover, it's going to get even hotter and the nights will be tropical.

I no longer have the nerve to sleep in synthetic pajamas.

I will never try it again just for the sake of trying.

I don't want to have a night with an uncomfortable feeling and sensation.

(I knew that was probably the case, but I'm such an idiot that I wanted to try it.)

My feelings haven't changed since the day I first encountered Silk and was touched by it.

My skin and body have become like a silk swamp...

Silk is amazing

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk Maniac


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