Tomorrow is Mother's Day

A pop-up boutique opened at Coredo Muromachi 3 yesterday, and many of the people who came asked, "I'm looking for a Mother's Day gift , so can I make one for a gift?"

I also got the impression that many male customers would ask me questions like, "I'm looking for a gift for my mother . What would be a good one?" or "What are the most popular Mother's Day gifts ?"

I would like to introduce the most popular items purchased yesterday for Mother's Day (including some items that I thought were popular).

If you are still thinking about what to give as a Mother's Day gift , please use this as a reference.

★Silk arm cover

100% silk mesh arm covers

UV rays are strongest from spring to early autumn, from April to September, and about 70% to 80% of the year's UV rays fall on the area.

Of course, you don't want to get sunburned, but Japanese summers are so hot that arm covers that completely cover your arms are just too hot! They get stuffy... tears... If that sounds like you, then I recommend these arm covers! They're made of mesh, so they're naturally breathable and cool, and the highly moisture-absorbing silk will hold your sweat in place.

Great for when you go out, for leisure, or when driving.

It was hugely popular at the pop-up boutique at COREDO Muromachi 3, but it is also hugely popular at the COREDO Nihonbashi store, with deliveries being made from the warehouse every day!

★Silk gloves

This is also made of 100% silk.

This one is popular, probably because it comes in a wide variety of colors.

You can choose your mum's favourite colour or the colour that suits her best!

7 Colors:

Black, gray, white, natural (beige), purple, pink, red

You can choose your mum's favourite colour or the colour that suits her best!

* Online, it is currently available in 3 colors (sorry)

According to a customer, it is hard to find gloves made of 100% smooth silk fabric.

Therefore, I have the impression that many people make a quick decision.

This is not because it is Mother's Day, but because it is normal.

It is useful for going out, but it is also ideal for hand care at bedtime.

By the way! If you apply ar* Skin Veil Cream and sleep with a silk glove , your skin will be smooth the next morning!

So, it is a great gift for mothers who do a lot of housework.

And if your mother has used her silk gloves so much that they have holes in the fingertips, you can use them as a body towel to wash your body.

★Silk cosmetics

It was popular across the board!

Silk Moisturizing Wash , Silk Skin Veil , Silk UV Shield

This is a rare item, so it felt like a gift for my mother, like, "I found something like this!"

Of course, most people said they were happy to use it themselves, but would definitely give it to their mothers!

I'm still undecided

I haven't had time to go buy it yet.

There are many reasons for this, but if you come to COREDO Nihonbashi 2F or COREDO Muromachi 3 3F, you will find a selection of luxurious silk items, so please come by tomorrow to consider them as gift ideas.

All the staff are looking forward to seeing you!

Have a wonderful day with your mother, who only comes once a year in the world!

Happy Happy Mother's Day

Mommy, thank you for always showing your daughters so much love.

Hello you!


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