Silk Jersey and comfort!

The POPUP Store at Yokohama Takashimaya has just reached the halfway point!


I'm ar* , usually only online or in pop-ups that pop up randomly.

Please take this opportunity to pick up and take a look at the items that interest you.



One thing that made me happy recently while working at POPUP was something someone said after trying on our Silk Jersey Bottoms .


"It feels like I'm not wearing anything..." she said, amazed at how smooth and light the fabric was.


Yes, that's it!! I thought to myself from the bottom of my heart.

It's difficult to convey that sentiment online or on this blog, so I would be thrilled if you try it on and are impressed.

I want to do my best to convey that emotion.


When you're relaxing at home, you can wear it as a one-mile outfit for a quick trip or as relaxing loungewear.

Now that the coronavirus pandemic is over, there are a lot of people out and about this summer! When traveling, you want to be as comfortable as possible. The Silk Jersey Bottoms / Hoodie set is perfect for such occasions.

You may find that you get surprisingly tired on the travel day, so try to enjoy your trip without putting too much strain on your body.


Depending on your destination, the temperature and humidity may differ from Japan.

In times like these, it's really reassuring to have a piece of silk on hand. Silk is said to have an automatic temperature regulation feature, which means it's gentle on the skin and doesn't have to worry about humidity!


Even if you're wearing a dress for a resort feel, silk will bring out your elegance!
It is shiny and has a delicate zipper, giving it the luxurious feel that only silk can provide.

You won't look too casual if you suddenly throw on a cotton hoodie, so wear silk to take it up a notch!

The high temperatures and humidity will continue for the foreseeable future, but by incorporating silk into your daily life you can stay fresh and comfortable without feeling stuffy!



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