Perfect OUR-IT-item, specially for now

I think this is a very difficult time for people who suffer from hay fever.

Everyone who uses our brand suffers from severe hay fever except for me and one other person.

Apparently he is taking medicine every day, but his eyes are swollen and he has a nasal voice.

They call it "Hell Season"!

Poor thing...

But for me, it's a lovely season and it makes me feel happy.

After autumn, I like spring the most.

Today, I went to work wearing ar*'s pearl gray Silk Jersey Hoodie as an outer layer, and it's really perfect for this time of year!

The soft fabric flutters in the wind and feels so good when it touches my skin... I think it's a masterpiece, even though it's from our own brand.

It's a standard item of our brand, but lately, maybe it's out of season? People always pick it up when I go to the store.

More and more people are trying on our clothes.

"With spring break coming up, maybe people are taking it with them on trips and outings?" I was talking to the staff.

There aren't many silk apparel items (according to ar* research - especially 100%).

There are other brands that sell underwear and innerwear that are 100% silk, like ar* , but they don't sell outerwear like 100% silk hoodies .

Is "not" misleading? There aren't many (I think).

It's rare

If you haven't tried out ar*'s excellent Silk Jersey series yet, give it a try.

When you apply our Silk Skin Veil cream , you will be amazed at the texture and feel of the Silk Jersey series.

And above all, you will be enchanted by the sense of luxury.

I would be so happy if even one more person could relate to my favorite Silk Jersey series.

We'll be waiting for you at COREDO Nihonbashi!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac



Among our innerwear, we have many items that are made of silk, even the sewing thread!

These are underwear that have " Silk 100% " written at the beginning of the product name.

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