Happy New Year! to everyones we love!!!

Happy new year


Of course, this is a "Happy New Year " as the new year begins! For ar*, we have received many " Happy New Year" messages in the first week of 2024.


ar* is still a very small brand, but a little over a year has passed since the brand opened, and thanks to our family, friends, and most of all, the many people who have purchased ar* products, we have been able to open our first permanent store!

Thank you sooooo much!


And, we at ar* staff did our best, if I may say so ourselves!

We would like to take this opportunity to once again refocus and forge ahead, so we would appreciate your continued support!

Arndt, I'll be honest with you!

Please continue to buy more and more ar* items!!!

To that end, we will develop and produce wonderful items with you all in mind!


Anyway, if you have time, please come and visit ar*' s COREDO Nihonbashi store!

We look forward to seeing you


We hope you will continue to support ar*.



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