1 million tons and up

I knew it, but it's still surprising to see the quantified information.

Every time, I am shocked from the bottom of my heart.

The situation regarding apparel, or clothing disposal, was just as I expected, "Wow, wow...amazing...OMG!"

As someone who has spent the last 10 years of my career working in the apparel industry, I often come across this topic and have many opportunities to come into contact with it.

When I see and hear about data like this, I can't help but feel anxious and wonder if what I'm doing is really okay. However, food, clothing, and shelter are essential for human life, so we have to do as much as possible to be kind to the Earth.

Now that I have decided to make a living in apparel, I feel that I need to choose the best path, and I am running the brand with my partner and other team members.

When I look at the retail situation in Japan, I was in the apparel industry until recently, so I feel like this is not something that is happening to someone else, but if we assume that the current situation in Japan where there is an abundance of clothes will eventually lead to a large amount of waste, a whopping 1 million tons of clothes are wasted in Japan alone!

This figure seems to be based on the number of clothes that are produced and ready to be sold (Note: It should not be forgotten that apart from these, when making clothes, scraps are unfortunately produced, and these scraps are not included in this figure).

On top of that, that amounts to 1 million tonnes of waste per year!

Isn't that amazing?

But! But

If we dig a little deeper!

This is not the amount of waste produced in Japan (because it is now impossible to produce and produce that much in Japan, because there are fewer sewing craftsmen and sewing factories are disappearing year by year), but the amount of waste that is thrown away in Japan...

In other words, most of the brands imported from overseas are left over and are being " thrown away or thrown away in Japan. "

It's a pile of items that overseas value brands, or Japanese brands that mass produce overseas, brought to Japan from across the ocean to be sold in Japan, but ended up not selling.

That means we're deliberately creating waste, aren't we?

What's more, they're just transporting trash to Japan!

So, you have to pay a lot of money to dispose of that garbage in Japan.

It's like a negative Möbius strip...

What's more, most of the clothes that were brought over from overseas were made of synthetic fibers.

They do not return to the earth, or even if they do, it will take several decades to return.

This may sound like something that doesn't concern you, but in this current situation, what we are seeking is "cheapness," and I want you to understand that this situation is happening at this price.

Consumers want cheap things so much that a market is created.

Companies then target this market with their development, manufacturing, and production efforts, and as a result, this kind of phenomenon is occurring.

There are still many things I want to write about in the sequel, but I will write about them when I find something new after researching and patrolling again.

I wonder if it got through to me

The core part of me that I won't tell you today

I hope it gets through to you...

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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