I don't think this method is good, but I'm doing it.

I used to run a beauty salon.

The manager told me that it's no good to have wet hair at that time, so make sure to dry it properly with a hair dryer!

I think that's right.

If you don't dry it right away, the cuticles will remain open and get damaged.

Plus, going to bed with wet hair is terrible for your hair!

I know this, but I'm such a lazy person that I end up doing things that are bad for my hair.

But Silk Moisturizing Wash has been a lifesaver for me !!!

The beauty ingredient sericin in silk is also great for your hair! What's more, this silk item from ar*, the whole body shampoo, contains 10 times the concentration of sericin as that extracted from regular silk cocoons!

Now you can wash your hair, body and face all at once.

I hate using a hair dryer to dry my hair in this hot summer and getting sweaty...

So I just towel dry it and leave it at that.

So I went to bed pretty wet.

But again, silk items!

Silk pillowcases!

Silk has excellent moisture absorption and release properties, so I rely on that (laughs).

The cross section of silk fibers is triangular rather than round, and because of this triangular shape, there are gaps in the fibers that allow them to absorb moisture and release excess moisture.

So, by morning, my hair is nicely dry.

Maybe it's just me, but maybe it's because I have long hair, but when I wake up in the morning it's only half-dry.

Then, in the morning, while your hair is still half dry, use a curling iron with a brush to curl the ends of your hair.

This makes it look great for me as I have curly hair.

Even though I'm living this kind of summer, I don't feel like my hair is being damaged. (*Personal research: This is just one person's opinion! As hair professionals and hairdressers say, leaving hair wet is not good for your hair! But even though I'm living this kind of summer, I really don't feel like my hair is being damaged.)

Maybe it's thanks to these two silk items.

That's what this blog was about!

Next time, I'll take a closer look at silk pillowcases.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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