Without realizing it

Recently I wrote a blog post about not letting your body get cold, so I wondered what my normal body temperature is as an adult, and so I took it at the same time every day for a few days!

The results were 36.2, .3, and .6.

I remember when I was in elementary school I had to take my temperature in the morning before going to the pool, and back then it was around 36.2 or 36.3, and it hasn't changed much even as an adult.

In these recent COVID-19 times, I have had to take my temperature many times when I was present at photo shoots for work, and it was around the same temperature then, so my normal temperature is 36.3.

According to a research article written by a university professor online, people whose normal body temperature is lower than 36.5 degrees are suspected of having hypothermia.

So that means I have hypothermia?! I've been living like this up until now, but it can't be good.

The causes of hypothermia include anemia, autonomic nervous system imbalance, and hormonal imbalance. Also, when you stop exercising, your muscle mass decreases, which causes your basal metabolic rate to drop and makes it harder to raise your body temperature.

As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases, and on top of that, we become less willing to exercise, which means even more muscle loss...

No matter how I thought about it, I realized that hypothermia would not be cured and I would have to live with it forever.

Although hypothermia itself is not a disease, if left untreated it can lead to other diseases and physical disorders, so it is better to improve hypothermia in order to extend your healthy lifespan and live a healthy life.

Above all, it's important to warm up your body, whether it's summer or winter!

Live a regular life! My motto is to eat a balanced diet that allows me to absorb nutrients, exercise moderately, and if I have a job that requires me to sit, I stretch every few hours to get the blood flowing, and at night I take a good bath at the right temperature to warm my body from the inside out, and I wrap and warm up my neck so that I don't get cold from the air conditioning even in the hot summer, and when I go to bed, I wrap myself in clothes that keep my body at the right temperature, and don't stay up late!

Even if you can't do all of these things, it's good to be aware of them! I'm going to be mindful of them from today onwards and try to avoid hypothermia.

I don't think I'll be able to take it off right away, but I'll take care of my body and warm it up with silk, which is the most familiar material to me.

It's the easiest habit to stick to!

Everyone, please be mindful of whether your body is cold and try not to get distracted by the heat outside and the surrounding humidity.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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