Silk has a deep connection with Yokohama

The pop-up store in Yokohama is now at the halfway point.
Did you know that Yokohama actually has a deep connection with silk?

As you probably know, Yokohama flourished as a port city, but what did it export?

It was raw silk produced in Japan.


Japanese raw silk was exported to the world from Yokohama, contributing to the modernization of Japan and accelerating its economy.
(Last year's taiga drama was about Eiichi Shibusawa, and there was a scene about sericulture.) 

As a result, Yokohama and silk during the Meiji period had a deep and inseparable connection.


The Red Brick Warehouse, where events are often held today, was also used as a raw silk inspection center. It was a place to remove inferior products and check whether raw silk from Japan met standards before being exported.


The Tomioka Silk Mill is known as a government-run silk mill built by the nation and is registered as a World Heritage Site, but there are many different sericulture sites throughout Japan and raw silk was produced in various places.

Domestic silk subsequently declined, and Japanese silk itself became very expensive.

I believe that Japanese-made products are of high quality, but I also think that one of the reasons they are so expensive is simply because they have become more rare.


China has by far the longest history of silk, and the industry, including raw silk production, was very prosperous, but Japan's domestic silk production took off during the Meiji period. At the time, the situation in China was unstable, and production in Europe had dropped sharply due to an infectious silkworm disease, so Japanese raw silk attracted attention, and at one point Japan became the world's number one raw silk exporter.
Domestic silk, Chinese silk, and European silk all have different images, but they each have their own merits.


Yokohama has a deep connection with silk, but if you've had a hard time finding silk, the pop-up is open until April 28th !

We have a wider variety of products in stores, but we are currently running a Mother's Day campaign on our online site.


Normally, we offer free shipping for purchases of 30,000 yen or more (tax included), but we will offer free shipping for purchases of 5,500 yen or more (tax included) . Why not take this opportunity to give silk to someone special?


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