
The highly acclaimed ar* pop-up store is currently open on the 4th floor of Yokohama Takashimaya!

Are you there yet?

Please come and have a look!

Outside, the heat is so intense it's like a disaster every day, but I'm still feeling cold.

What the hell did I do?! The pop-up store was in a department store, the air conditioning was on and I was standing all day on a tiled floor, but I didn't have a silk belly warmer or silk warmer.

If you work the early shift, it's already cold by mid-afternoon, and if you work the late shift, it's already cold by early evening.

It didn't work...

When humans get cold to the core, it seems like it can affect how well we sleep at night! What's more, it can lead to unexpected health problems due to the cold, so you need to be careful!

In fact, I'm not feeling very well.

To begin with, chill refers to the uncomfortable state in which the hands, feet, lower body, or even parts of the body, or the whole body, become cold even at temperatures that most people would not feel cold at.

This weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness.

When the indoor temperature is low due to excessive air conditioning, the autonomic nervous system works to maintain core body temperature, constricting blood vessels to reduce blood flow to the limbs and concentrating blood in the center of the body.

As a result, while your core body temperature can be maintained, blood does not reach your extremities such as your hands and feet, causing the skin temperature to drop and making you feel cold!

Once I realized that I was in trouble because of the cold, I immediately protected various places with silk items.

It seems that if you don't properly raise your body's core temperature during the day, it can affect your sleep, so if you're like me and feel really cold with the air conditioner on in the summer but don't realize it and just let it go, it's dangerous!!!

Let's rely on silk items that automatically regulate temperature! Let's choose them! Let's get them! Let's wear them every day!

I understand that it's hot for your future self and for your physical health, but it's dangerous to stay in a place with the air conditioning turned on too cold!

Immediately, try to keep your core temperature at a constant, optimal level with silk.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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