"Silk Road Journey with My Daughter" Vol.1

February starts today!
Well, I'll do my best this month too, not giving in to the cold with silk by my side ~💪

So today I'd like to talk a little about my daughter 👩 who is in the first year of junior high school.
She is busy every day with club activities, cram school, playing, playing with her smartphone, etc., but due to the modern living environment (not the only reason), she tends to have quite poor circulation... (-_-;)

According to a certain website,
the reasons why junior high school students suffer from cold sensitivity are
〇Low muscle mass (lack of exercise)
→ I have club activities 3-4 times a week.
Lack of sleep
→That's true... I went to bed after 11pm.
- Bad eating habits such as not eating breakfast
→ I eat hearty meals every morning, afternoon and evening.
〇Spending a lot of time on smartphones, watching TV, and playing games
→(T~T) This might be it (~_~;)
Disturbances in skin sensation
→ I like to take baths, but I wear very thin clothes indoors…maybe my blood circulation has gotten worse?
〇Low basal metabolism
→ I snack a lot... my nutritional balance is worsening... it's undeniable
Disturbance in the balance of the autonomic nervous system
→ Stress (at my age), and my lifestyle isn't as irregular as people say.

There are many things that come to mind (-_-;)
There are many things I need to reflect on as a parent .
We know that not only junior high school students, but also adults, suffer from poor circulation due to poor basic lifestyle habits such as sleep, diet, and exercise! (But...)

Aside from talking about school, I talk to my daughter about the latest trends, her favorite idols, fashion, love, and pretty much anything. However, when it comes to "warnings" like bedtime, smartphone usage time, eating too many sweets, etc., she is totally distracted and ignores the topic.
(This is actually a warning to improve your lifestyle!)

I have to do something to combat coldness! I'll start by doing what I can!

To start with, they showed off the Warmer Short Pants, which come in a wide variety of colors, and received a positive response : "These are cute!"

Although it didn't seem like he really understood what I said about "The good thing about silk fiber is...", he managed to get the idea across that "It's a fiber that's good for the body!" (lol)

Now I wear one under my uniform skirt.
She said, "Wearing this really makes a difference when I have severe period pain," and "It feels great to wear it when I sleep! It even covers my stomach!"

It is thought that the reason girls feel cold is because organs such as the uterus and ovaries are located in the pelvis, which makes it easy for blood flow to be stagnant, and although my daughter doesn't know why, she seems to realize that silk feels great ♡.

The Silk Road Journey with My Daughter continues
to be continued.

Silk keeps you comfortable 24/7 .

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