Factories in a Changing World

It is being reported more and more in the media, such as on television and in magazines, and although I don't want to admit it,
We've been hearing a lot of talk about cheap Japan lately.
I'm sure prices are low compared to global standards, which makes me think that times are changing.


I never thought I'd say "times have changed"! Lol
I can say this because times are changing so quickly, but I'm also surprised at how much I've aged and feel the changes in 10 -year increments!


20 years ago, labor costs were low and Japanese technology was being desperately imported into China, but now labor costs are not cheap at all and perhaps because of the volume of production, the technology and quality are not bad at all when it comes to apparel. Now, as China is called the world's factory, it feels like "Made in China" is everywhere .

Many factories are no longer able to justify costs in China, and are quickly relocating to Bangladesh, India, and other countries.


Furthermore, when it comes to silk, the world's silk originated in China.
Sometimes, people ask me, "Isn't this Japanese silk?"
Don't forget that European silk also came from China, across the Silk Road!


Moreover, since Japan is said to be so cheap, it seems outdated to think that Made in Japan = good quality, but Made in China = poor quality.

Of course, it's better to leave it to a factory that is used to sewing silk, and since it's becoming cheaper to make it in Japan, there was also news that a major apparel trading company switched to a Japanese factory. By using a Japanese factory, there is less time lag and language issues are cleared up, so of course there are many benefits!


Being Japanese, I am proud of Japan's technological capabilities, but when we look at the reality, it sometimes feels like made in Japan = cost-effective ( ... !?!?) .

This may have turned out to be a bit pessimistic, but we aim to create products that we can be proud of and say, "Good products are good, regardless of the country of production!"



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