My legs are cramping~~~~(>_<)

I wake up in the middle of the night with cramps in my legs...
There are a lot of them lately 😢

Even though I was sleepy, the pain was so bad I woke up,
I feel like crying...
And lack of sleep...

It is said that leg cramps are caused by lack of moisture, lack of minerals, aging, fatigue, cold, lack of exercise, stress, etc., but in many cases the cause is poor circulation and a decrease in muscle mass due to aging or lack of exercise.

I often had leg cramps during pregnancy (this is probably because my leg muscles were fatigued due to weight gain, making me more susceptible to leg cramps).
These days we are witnessing a situation where "age is not just a number."

I don't want to be in pain anymore (>_<) So, here's the solution I'm currently using:
①Lack of exercise → Work out with Renaissance! Increase muscle mass!
②Poor circulation → Wear 2-way warmers (long) to avoid getting cold from the air conditioning!
3) Cold → Wear warm shorts when you sleep!
④ Stress → Enjoy your work! (Well, I've always had that kind of attitude, so I guess it's okay (lol) ⑤ Be mindful of eating foods rich in minerals, such as seafood, algae, nuts, seeds, and vegetables!
⑥ Lack of hydration → Always drink a glass of water before going to bed!

Thanks to you, I think I'm getting less leg cramps than before.
If you have a similar problem, please give it a try!

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