He delivered a punch line in the silk neighborhood.

I am R, a director and chairman of the Silk Mania Association.

I'm at Takashimaya Yokohama today.

The ar* Pop-up Store is now open!

The people who visit Yokohama Takashimaya are either very knowledgeable about silk or already wear silk, saying things like, "All my underwear and undergarments are silk."

Whenever I talk to them about it, they always say, "It dries out my skin, so I can't use anything other than silk."

Basically, it gets dry, itchy, and red, and on top of that, when you sweat in the summer, it stings and sometimes even hurts.

I think it's because I have sensitive skin to begin with, but it seems that just like when people who don't have sensitive skin develop hay fever, they suddenly become unable to tolerate synthetic fibers and in a sense become picky.

"I had noticed something was wrong with my skin since last year, and then this year I started to find some innerwear that I couldn't wear at all..." she told me. Although she hadn't started wearing silk before, she said that she had been checking the quality label ever since, and had been looking for 100% cotton.

And the other day, a lovely customer said to me, "I learned about Silk here on ar*, so I'm going to make my debut! This is also a sign of something."

I did tell them the usual "Welcome to the Silk Swamp"! lol

He laughed a lot and said, "Oh no, that's so difficult!"

This is a punch line in the silk industry.

Have you noticed that the dryness of being in an air-conditioned room has turned your skin into a desert?

As I have written many times before, the biggest enemy of the skin is dryness.

When it comes to skin moisture, you need to think about all areas of your skin, not just the visible areas.

And to prevent dryness, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate level of humidity throughout the body.

Simply wearing silk fiber items can naturally moisturize your skin and create a moist environment! (I guarantee it! Even though I've said all this, are you still buying synthetic fiber underwear and clothes just because they're cheap and cute?

Later, you'll have to pay for that skin.)

You no longer need to apply sticky moisturizing cream after taking a bath.

If you have very dry skin and feel like wearing silk items is not enough, you can apply a thin layer of moisturizing cream before wearing silk items to keep your skin moisturized.

The cream I recommend is ar*'s Silk Skin Veil! lol

Keeping your skin hydrated and in its best condition will give you a more youthful appearance.

It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman anymore.

It doesn't matter if you're young or old.

Human skin needs moisture.

It is best to moisturize 24/7, not just once.

That's why we recommend silk underwear and lingerie!

This is because silk is not only moisturizing, but also keeps you feeling extremely luxurious and comfortable when you wear it!

Silk is the longest and thinnest natural fiber.

Of course that doesn't feel good, right?

Once you feel the comfort of silk on your skin, you'll be hooked!

Want to try it?

Please rush to COREDO Nihonbashi 2F!

Also available at Yokohama Takashimaya until the 13th!

I'm waiting

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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