What if a familiar item suddenly became made of silk?!?!?

There are times when you "understand it when you use it" and times when you don't really understand it even after using it, and other times when you "understand it only when you use it" - of course that's obvious!

"You'll understand if you just try using silk once," he said.

You won't understand until you actually use silk (Japanese people have too little knowledge and experience with silk! That being said, silk is expensive, so it can't be helped since it's not something that everyone has access to or is familiar with), says R, director and chairman of the Silk Maniacs Association in Jidan-da .

Mr. J, who works with me nearby

I previously gifted J our brand's full-body wash, Silk Moisturizing Wash and Silk Skin Veil (our hero products), but she only responded with a bland "Yeah, it was nice," so I didn't get the excitement I had hoped for.

"Eeeeeeehhhhhhh, that's boring," I thought, but I thought, "Oh well, it can't be helped, some people are like that! Sometimes that happens," and put it away.

After that, we had meetings, we talked, we used LINE, but there was no talk of Silk since then.

However, he suddenly popped into ar*'s COREDO Nihonbashi store (unfortunately I wasn't there), and bought three pairs of Silk & Cotton Unisex Socks, saying "Bye bye! See you next time!" before leaving.

. . . A week later? Maybe? I received a LINE message with a picture of me wearing ar* Silk & Cotton Unisex Socks and the caption , "These socks! They're so comfortable!" and "They're really comfortable and I recommend them."

Huh!?!?!? You were so slow to respond the other day, but now you've taken the time to send me your thoughts and comments!

To be honest, I don't know anything about cosmetics and I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know what's good or great about them. Of course it was good (was it a thoughtful thing to do??? lol), but I have the image that cosmetics are all originally good things, so I didn't really understand it.

In short, since I don't use cosmetics on a regular basis, I don't know the average, and I have no experience to compare it to, so the best I could do was respond with a "nothing" kind of "yeah, it was good."

But this time, the socks I wear every day suddenly turned out to be silk, and I was amazed.

Since I use them regularly, I know the average comfort of socks, and I've worn socks many times in my life, so I have Tons of experience to compare them to! Then, the reaction suddenly changed and I was impressed and surprised : "These socks! They're so comfortable!" "They're really comfortable and I recommend them!"

I learned a lot from this experience too!

When I compare an item I'm familiar with to another silk item, the quality of the silk really stands out, or is more obvious...

I see...

But if you try silk for the first time and think, "I heard silk is good, so... well!" and aren't surprised, or if you think, "Silk isn't that great... I see... it's not that great..." then when you take off your silk and put on a non-silk item the next day, you'll think, "Huh?" and finally realize the good points of silk!

This is what is commonly referred to (maybe only in the ar* community) as the "Welcome to the Silk Swamp" phenomenon! lol

I hope to continue spreading this phenomenon, and it may become a grassroots movement, but I will persevere and continue to spread the word about the benefits of silk.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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