Everyone's been talking about investment lately, but aren't we neglecting investing in our skin?

I am R, a director and chairman of the Silk Mania Association.

A senior colleague of mine, K-san, who was very kind to me, recently purchased a men's T-shirt from me.

Thank you very much

He is an avid sports enthusiast, especially in skiing.

He was the president before, but just recently he was appointed as the president of a foreign company.

By all means, it's comfortable to wear

"Received today and tried on right away

Silk feels great

The smooth texture is perfect for this heatwave!

I want a crew neck T-shirt instead of a V-neck .

We received some wonderful feedback and requests!

I've received crew neck T-shirts from a lot of people, so I'm going to make one next.

Instead of 100% silk, if you're a man, it might be better to use a blend of silk and cotton!

Well, it's Sunday and I'm thinking about it.

This may be a sudden question, but am I the only one who feels that investing is becoming more familiar to me?

You can easily buy and sell stocks through apps, and things like FX have become much more common than they were before.

Do you do any investments?

Do you live your daily life thinking about the future?

Of course, I think they are looking ahead to some extent several years, but even so, it's only a year, or at most three years, right?

I think there are probably some people who are thinking about 10 or even several decades into the future.

But it's about money and life, right? (Of course, it's important! It's important!)

Have you thought about what your skin will look like in 10 years?

I used to be careless about skin care, but now that I've gotten older, I've started to take care of my skin in my own way with ar* products.

Your skin will inevitably deteriorate in 10 or 20 years compared to today.

Time is fair and we all age the same (laughs).

Many people pay attention to what they eat for the sake of their health and skin, but few people pay attention to the materials they wear in their clothes.

I think that by choosing to wear natural fibers, and by choosing silk or not, it is possible to keep the quality of your skin close to what it is now for decades to come.

Imagine this

Skin after 10 years of wearing clothes made from petroleum

Skin after 10 years of wearing silk

I haven't actually tested it and seen the results, so I honestly don't know what kind of difference it will make, but I still don't think that clothes made from petroleum will help keep your skin looking young.

This is because the friction between the skin and synthetic fabric can cause dryness, inflammation, and poor blood circulation, which can lead to permanent marks!

It goes without saying that everyone knows that skin affects how old you look.

It's better to have youthful skin than to look old

I'm not telling you to "try to look younger"

If, with a little awareness and choice, you could achieve the skin you have today or even slow down the aging process, wouldn't that be better?

Nodding, you there

Invest in your skin

You don't have to make a big investment! Just being more conscious and choosing not to use synthetic fibers can make a big difference! (And what's more, you're unknowingly contributing a lot to the global environment by doing just that.)

Be sure to choose your clothes based on the material they are made of!

Your daily choices are an investment in your skin and your future.

If you choose your clothes every day because they are "cheap" or "cute," your skin will probably look bad in 10 years .

To those who read today's blog

Lucky you!

You can invest in your skin today!

Natural fibers are of course fine, but why not invest in your future skin with silk instead?

Instead of spending thousands of yen at a single visit to a beauty salon or dermatologist, it's actually a great deal to have a few silk underwear or innerwear that is a little less expensive than other materials, since you can wear them every day.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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