Counting "silkworms" by "head"...

This may be a sudden question, but how do you count cocoons, but how do you think you count silkworms?


Not how many...

...You count "how many"! It's not how many!!

Silkworms are creatures that are valuable to humans and have been carefully raised, so they are counted as one.

Basically, anything larger than a human is called a "head" and anything smaller is called a "piece," but silkworms skip several levels and get special treatment! Lol. Also, rare specimens such as butterflies, expensive rhinoceros beetles, and stag beetles are also called "heads."


Wow!!! I had never really thought about it that deeply, but I had no idea there was such a difference...

I never thought that the way something is counted would affect its rarity or value.

When it comes to counting, there are many complexities to it if you look into it, such as the fact that rabbits have "feathers," but it really shows how difficult Japanese is.
I realized how casually I usually talk.


The content of today's blog may be information that you don't use often, it may be far removed from clothing and fashion , and it may be a bit raw. But if you keep in mind that it is a living thing, you can reaffirm that it is an organic matter from nature, a natural material, and that is why you can proudly say that it will return to the earth.


I felt a little happy to know that "creatures that are valuable to humans" are counted differently from other creatures.

They are called "O-san" (silkworm-san), and I had always wondered why only silkworms are called "san" and why they even include the polite "o"! But now that I understand it, I feel relieved.


For those who are hesitant because of the high price, silk is completely different from synthetic fibers! Lol

They are grouped into textiles and clothing, and are sold in the same areas. And although they may look the same, they are as different as fake greenery and real houseplants!


My love for silk has become a little too strong lately, but I want to keep saying loud and clear that good things are good!



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