Lately, my favorite socks to wear are these silk ribbed socks .
It's comfortable to wear and stays fresh all day long.
It may seem like a sales pitch you hear everywhere, but it really all comes down to this one sentence.
The reason is that there's absolutely no discomfort from having damp, sweaty socks at the end of the day...!!
Even though socks are recommended, if you ask me whether I like socks or not (a question I don't get asked much), I'd say I prefer to be barefoot, and the first thing I do when I get home is take off my socks.
When I was in the first grade of elementary school, I took off my socks at a friend's house and forgot them, so my friend brought them to me. (It was annoying.) lol
When I saw a barefoot boy walking through the streets of Gold Coast, Australia, I thought to myself, "I want to live there!"
I want to be barefoot everywhere.
I've been wearing sandals all through October .
...I'm not saying that bare feet are good,
Even adults who don't like wearing socks this much find these silk ribbed socks comfortable and enjoy wearing them.
(Available in four colors: Brown, Oatmeal, Ivory, and Black)
The soles of your feet sweat a surprising amount. In fact, we sweat as much as 200ml a day, and that sweat is the source of germs. These germs are the cause of odor, so socks absorb sweat properly to keep your feet clean.
Silk has excellent moisture absorption properties and also has the effect of suppressing the growth of germs.
Since synthetic fibers are not good at absorbing sweat, it's like leaving the cause of the odor unattended.
Because it is a natural fiber, silk, which is made from the cocoons that silkworms make to protect themselves, contains the power of nature!
What's more, silk is good for the skin and simply wearing it can help improve dry, rough heels.
All socks sold at ar* contain silk.
We also have silk socks with silk on the inside and cotton on the outside.
We also have socks that go down to the knee.
The material that comes into contact with your skin is silk, so even if you don't like wearing socks, I would recommend you give these a try.
At the very least, your feet will feel more comfortable every day!