The power of impressions can get you in trouble!

There was a segment on an information program about odor control.

The show introduced products that are effective at combating odors, and one product made me think, 'Wow, that's amazing!' and I wanted to know more about it, so I immediately Googled it!

On the product detail page

"This material is made primarily from ○○, ○○, and organic cotton, and is made entirely from natural materials."

It is written,

"The deodorizing and antibacterial effects of natural materials..."

There was also

Of course I said, "Amazing!"

"So, what is it made of?" I wondered, and checked the quality label.

Cotton, polylactic acid, regenerated fiber (cellulose)


"Wait! Isn't regenerated fiber (cellulose) a synthetic fiber?" I thought, wondering about this, but I thought maybe my understanding was wrong, so I looked it up right away.

Cellulose itself cannot be turned into fibers as it is, so it must be chemically dissolved and "regenerated" into fibers, which can then be woven or knitted into fabric.

Because of this chemical treatment process, it is classified as a synthetic fiber and is called a "regenerated fiber."

In short, chemical fibers

Like this product, the tagline and description on the product details page make it seem like the product is made from 100% natural fibers.

If it says "Main ingredient" or "Made only from natural ingredients"

It's more like a figure of speech or an impression...

At least, that's how I personally felt and interpreted it.

But after looking into it, I found out it was a product made of a mixture of synthetic fibers.

It's difficult...

It depends on what you are trying to focus on and what product you are trying to get, but if natural fibers are the key and the main ingredients are natural, but you don't want the finished product to contain synthetic fibers, then you should not be fooled by the catch phrases or descriptions, but should carefully check the quality label and make sure you are satisfied before purchasing it.

It was a very good learning experience for me personally.

Ah, so scary!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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