May blues even skin itself

The sun has lengthened

When I'm working at the pop-up store, I can really tell that spring is fast approaching summer! I can feel it!

Golden Week ends tomorrow.

This Golden Week came after the strict restrictions of the COVID-19 period, so I'm sure everyone was having a wonderful holiday.

However, it seems that May Sickness often occurs after Golden Week.

After a long, enjoyable break, I wonder if I'll be feeling blue about returning to that environment...

The characteristic of May Sickness is that you suddenly lose motivation and feel fatigued due to the fatigue of a new life in an unfamiliar environment.

Or stress can cause insomnia...

May sickness is a common symptom of the month, but it seems that your skin can also suffer from it.

This is because it is a time when the body and mind are unwell and skin is easily affected.

Stress can easily disrupt the balance of the autonomic nervous system, leading to poor blood circulation and disruption of skin turnover.

In May, the temperature rises rapidly and the UV rays become stronger!

And the air is dry, which tends to increase sebum production.

This mixed combo can make you more susceptible to skin problems such as rough skin, acne, wrinkles, and dullness.

Oh no! I have to do something.

To prevent skin problems caused by May Sickness, it is essential to regulate your daily routine and use skin care that is gentle on damaged skin.

Thoroughly remove your makeup, wash your skin, and moisturize your skin! (We recommend washing your skin that has been exposed to the air and has pollen on it with Silk Moisturizing Wash , and then moisturizing with Silk Skin Veil .)

In addition to skin care, it is also important to review your lifestyle habits!

The most important thing to regulate your daily rhythm is sleep.

To do this, soak in a bathtub to get the blood flowing throughout your body, avoid staying up late, and get a good night's sleep.

It also relieves fatigue, and since the skin regenerates while we sleep, sleep promotes skin recovery.

To promote this, silk pillowcases are good for the skin when you turn over in your sleep and your cheek touches the pillow, which contributes to beautiful skin.

Of course, silk satin is frictionless when it comes to hair, so even your hair will be stress-free!

So, let's take good care of our skin and be careful of May blues right away!

When you go out, don't be lazy and forget to take measures against UV rays!

The UV rays are getting stronger every day.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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