This is the highest quality item!

I am R, a director and chairman of the Silk Mania Association.

Today, as I was standing in the store, I saw a person say, "Hey?" and I thought, "Oh, you're the person who came in and bought something just the other day!" I felt so happy.

She came to visit us on her way home from work, saying that she had just worn the silk ribbed socks she had purchased the other day, and that they felt so good that she didn't want to have to wear them tomorrow!

And, you even left a nice comment and rating on the item you purchased... Tearful

ar* is truly supported by such people.

And we're glad to hear that you agreed with us, saying, "I realized the good qualities of silk."

It's like, "Welcome to the Silk Swamp!" lol

I know I'm being persistent, but your kind words are a great encouragement to all of our staff!

Thank you very much for your continued support and encouragement.

We are still a small, petite brand, but as the name suggests, we are trying our best to create a market for silk.

I firmly believe that someday those seeds will sprout and blossom.

Because the quality of our brand's products is undeniable.

However, as long as it is loved by people who think "Silk is good," I don't think we should force everyone to "use Silk!!!"

I hope that people who want to touch silk will be able to receive it.

Yesterday, I thought to myself, "Silk is really good!"

It was humid and hot again yesterday.

Silk towels have become so commonplace that they tend to "not get the spotlight," but yesterday I once again thought, "Silk is great!"

At that time, what are the points that everyone should pay attention to when buying towels?



Water absorbency

Quick drying

I guess that's how it feels.

After all, I'm sure we all agree that the most important thing when it comes to a towel is the feel on the skin!

To begin with, a towel only functions as a towel if it comes into direct contact with the skin, so if it doesn't feel nice against your skin while you're using it, it can be stressful no matter how functional it is!

(Stress isn't just felt by the mind; it's felt by the skin itself! Here's a blog I wrote about this in the past.)

Also, synthetic fiber towels are now available on the market (Eeek)

Microfiber towels are made from synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon.

This is the epitome of moisture absorption and quick drying, but please be careful not to scrub your skin with it as it will definitely damage your skin.

It can also cause dark spots!

And when choosing a towel, fluffy volume is also an important consideration!

To be fluffy, the fibers themselves must be soft!

In that respect, silk fibers are thin and soft to begin with, so there is no problem! Moreover, because it is a towel, it is pile-woven, so it is soft. If there is anything better than a silk towel , I would like to hear about it!

And since silk is highly absorbent, it absorbs moisture very well!

Above all, it is 1.5 times more absorbent than cotton, so you can rest assured.

However, there are some points where it loses to chemical fibers.

This is the "quick-drying" part mentioned above.

Of course, it dries without any problems, but when it comes to fast drying, synthetic fibers are stronger.

Because it doesn't absorb moisture, the water just passes through the fibers, so if the water falls off or flows away due to the force of gravity, it dries.

Therefore, in places where water is used frequently, you need to use quick-drying synthetic towels, otherwise they will get soaked.

However, unless you are using it on your skin, I think synthetic fibers are fine.

Depending on the purpose and function, that may be

So, silk towels are the best to use on your skin!

Moreover, if it were 100% like ar*'s silk towels , it would be unbeatable.

Silk towels are highly recommended for those who want smooth, beautiful skin, or for those with sensitive skin (such as babies with weak immune systems, or seniors with thinning skin).

No, let me rephrase that!

I highly recommend ar*'s 100% silk towels !

Please come and experience the ar* 100% silk towels at COREDO Nihonbashi.

You'll be amazed at how it feels to the touch!

What prompted me to start my own silk business was the surprise and impact I felt when I encountered and touched a 100% silk towel.

Well, I think it's best to choose according to the occasion, keeping in mind the characteristics of silk.

But, I know I'm being repetitive, but the towel you use for the skin-touching motion is made of 100% silk ! That's it! Period!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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