New knowledge, one of the modern diseases "that"

" Do you often hear people say , " I have atopic dermatitis?"

In Japan today, the number of people with atopic dermatitis is double that of 30 years ago, at 513,000 (as of 2017).

It's like, wow.

The cause of this is said to be changes in living environment and an increase in chemicals, which is causing an increase in the number of people with atopic dermatitis.

As we grow from babies to adults, the symptoms that are more likely to occur with each age change, and eventually the symptoms disappear as we grow up, and go into remission.

Atopic dermatitis has been considered to be an allergy that tends to disappear after childhood, but these days, nearly 40% of atopic dermatitis patients are adults between the ages of 20-44. This means that anyone can potentially develop the condition after childhood, even as an adult, and this is a serious situation.

It seems that there is not just one cause for atopic dermatitis, but the first is a weakening of the skin's barrier function and an abnormality in the skin's immunity.

For example, when the skin becomes dry and you scratch it, cracks form in the skin, allowing harmful bacteria to penetrate deeper into the skin. This activates immune cells, causing the allergy (atopic dermatitis) to progress, resulting in itching.

So why does itching occur? It is a result of the human self-defense instinct, and when the skin becomes dry or inflamed, the immune system becomes activated.

When this happens, the body senses something is wrong (causing itching) and takes action to remove the foreign object (by scratching).

In other words, itching is a defense mechanism of the body.

As I wrote at the beginning, by starting by avoiding and limiting the "increase in chemicals" in modern society, I believe we can prevent atopic dermatitis from developing in the future.

For now, the easiest thing we can do is to avoid using synthetic fiber clothing as it will dry out your skin and come into contact with bare skin, i.e. not wearing it at all.

Everyone, wear natural fibers!

In that case, I highly recommend silk! Its moisture absorption and release properties are 1.5 times that of cotton, so it keeps the skin at a constant, necessary level of moisture, and it's gentle on the skin! It feels great on the skin, too.

For your skin, choose silk items, which are said to be your second skin!

Silk is the only material that breathes.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac

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