Bedding manufacturers also recommend silk!

There are various stores in Coredo Nihonbashi. The bedding manufacturer Nishikawa is also located on the basement floor, and a Shohei Otani panel welcomes you.

I had a chance to talk with someone from Nishikawa and we talked about silk bedding.

Of course, as a seller of silk, I would say that silk is the best! Nishikawa, which sells a variety of pillowcases, also recommended silk. Sales of silk products are also increasing.

We receive many inquiries from customers, of course, but we also receive scientific evidence that proves the benefits of silk, so it makes us happy to hear about the benefits of silk from other people.


The skin covers the human body. Because it is the most exposed part of the body, when the skin feels stress, the brain also feels stress unconsciously. That is why the skin is also called the third brain, and it has been found that when the skin is happy, the stress level felt by the brain also decreases.


The skin itself produces hormones, which then enter the bloodstream and affect the brain. Of course, wearing comfortable innerwear reduces stress from the skin, and if your skin feels good, it creates a virtuous cycle in which your mood improves too.


Although it may seem like a small thing, static electricity is also a form of stress. I think there are many times when something we feel casually is a source of stress.

Silk is less likely to generate static electricity, which helps reduce static electricity stress.

When customers say to me, "Silk generates a lot of static electricity...", I confidently reply, "It's the opposite."

Because if you're experiencing static electricity when wearing silk, it's not the silk itself that's to blame, it's because it's not compatible with the synthetic fabrics you're wearing with it.

Silk is often said to be expensive, so we want to dispel misunderstandings and prejudices by conveying the many good things about it.



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