Another name for February is Kisaragi.
There is a theory that the name comes from the Chinese nickname for February , " Nyogets " .
The most likely theory is that it comes from "Kisaragi," the practice of layering clothes. It's still cold at this time of year, so people put on even more layers of clothes, hence the name "Kisaragi."
I think that in the old days there were no heating appliances and it was colder than it is now...but surprisingly, the origin of the nickname is for a very practical reason.
There are various other theories, such as "Kisaragi" because the weather is getting better, or "Kisaragi" because spring is approaching.
Personally, I think the most far-fetched theory is that Kisaragi comes from the fact that spring is coming and the plants and trees are becoming more vigorous, so "Kusaharizuki" (the month that covers plants and trees) is Kisaragi.
I wondered if I would be able to get close to reading it if I read it hundreds of times... but it's probably impossible... I thought. lol
I googled it and it came up right away.
Thanks to this blogging habit, I am gradually learning things that I didn't know before.
February 4th is the beginning of spring. It's the day that spring begins according to the calendar.
It's already early February and we're already feeling like spring, but we still have to wear
However, wearing too many layers of clothes makes my shoulders stiff, so I rely on warmers both at home and outside.
I also wear stretch leggings . They are so warm that if I wear thick clothes while wearing them, I start to sweat. These stretch leggings are helping me keep my feet warm this winter.
The thighs are fairly large muscles, so if you cool them down, your metabolism will slow down and energy consumption throughout the body will also decrease.
Let's get changed into our new clothes and get through February !