Lymph? Metabolism? Chills?

I tell customers at the store that it's not good to be cold, but I think it's not good to be cold!
I suffer from cold extremities, so my coldness has become chronic, and it seems that because of this I was suffering from severe swelling without even realizing it.


So, my current obsession is to get rid of cold places.

Also, for me, the key is to avoid swelling in my body.
Ever since I started wearing the belly warmer pants, I've realized how cold my lower back has been without them, and how much of a cold I've been ignoring.

Swelling = evidence that waste products are accumulating in the body.
When the body gets cold, the basal metabolic rate slows down, making it easier for waste products to accumulate in the body.

I know this in my head, but I've been living my life without thinking about it. In order to prevent waste products from accumulating in the body, it is important to drink plenty of water and flush them out.
Also, make sure the lymph nodes, which carry waste products, do not become clogged.

If you do a lot of desk work, the lymph nodes in the groin area tend to become clogged, so it's important to drain them through exercise and massage.


Blood is pumped by the heart, but lymph is pumped by muscles.

That's why it's important to build muscle and exercise regularly.


Did you know that your basal metabolism, which burns calories while you're not doing anything, accounts for 70% of your daily metabolism? (I didn't know that. lol)


That's why it's so important to build muscle and increase your metabolism!

I see! I'm just repeating what I heard, but it's information I don't want to forget, so I decided to write about it in my blog!


It's cold today, but please stay warm!



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