Fundraisers' cold weather protection

This happened on the 1st floor of Coredo Nihonbashi.

When I finished work and went down to the first floor (ar* is on the second floor😊)
I found the UNHCR Association 's activity booth in the event space.
(The Mitsui Fudosan Group supports the aims of this project run by the association, and has been setting up activity booths in the event spaces of various commercial facilities, such as Mitsui Shopping Park and Mitsui Outlet Park, since 2009.)

I can't help but wonder...
I decided to talk to the fundraisers about various things!
(Fundraising is the process by which non-profit organizations, such as NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) and Public Interest Incorporated Foundations, collect funds for their activities, and the people in charge of fundraising are called "fundraisers.")

In Ukraine, where the war with Russia continues, and in many parts of the Middle East, such as Afghanistan, people face poverty, food shortages, and life-threatening conditions due to sub-zero temperatures in winter. The number of refugees and internally displaced people around the world has reached 110 million due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, etc., and even if we want to provide support to those who have been forced from their homes and are in dire straits, there is still a lack of cold weather support such as blankets and winter clothing, tents, plastic sheeting, food, medical care, education, etc.

I decided to support (donate) my efforts, however small they may be.

(Did you know? Angelina Jolie is a former UNHCR special envoy, and the artist MIYAVI was appointed the first Japanese UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador in November 2017. Many companies and celebrities also support the initiative.)

I want to support you!
Apart from that feeling, I couldn't help but be interested in the fundraiser, and after talking to him about various things,
I finally understood why I was so interested. Fundraisers often do street activities, and in the winter, they naturally take proper precautions against the cold.
"I'm wearing leg warmers again today!"

And what's more, it was made of silk !
(I see! That's it! That's why I was curious about it!)
I called?)

I am in awe of the hard work that the fundraisers put in every day, and I was especially impressed that they are aware of and use silk as a material with excellent heat retention properties!
(Of course, there are many other benefits to silk! Check it out in our previous blog!)

Silk is certainly luxurious, and its beauty and high quality may be a special thing for many people, but for those in difficult situations, it is not a necessity at all.
Still, when I think that silk items might be of use to people working hard in Japan, I feel a strange emotion.

May our world be free from persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations...
And I hope our products can be useful in many places...

Silk Warmer


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