Silk Insurance

My insurance contract is due to expire this week, so I talked to my insurance agent about what to do next.

I feel the passage of time go by faster than before.

This week we have been talking in depth about the health of our bodies 10 , 20 , 30 years from now, so I wondered about the health of not only our bodies but also the skin that covers them.

Do you usually think about the next 10 years, or even several years into the future?

My guess would be 1 to 3 years, maybe up to 5 years?

I can probably only think about it that realistically.

As long as we're alive, our physical health becomes more and more important and we start to think and worry about it more and more as we get older, right?

But do you think about your skin 10 or 20 years from now?

No matter how hard you try, your skin will inevitably show age rings on the surface compared to how it was before.

If you have the financial means it's a different story...

If possible, I would like to prevent the growth rings from showing on my skin.

If it does come out, I think that's wonderful in itself! (Perhaps the sensuality that comes with experience...)

As I have said many times before, blood strength is important for physical health, and to achieve that, you need to have a balanced diet in your daily life.

I think many people are careful about that, even if they don't say it.

However, I think that not many people pay much attention to the clothes they wear on a daily basis for the sake of their skin.

For those who want to prevent growth rings from showing on their skin!

It's silk!

As a living witness, I would like to say with confidence, "This is what it's like to use silk for 10 years," but unfortunately, I've only been using silk 24/7 for a year and a few months, so that's a weak point. However, I think that whether or not you use silk items will make a difference to your skin in the next 10 or 20 years.

Beauty experts and people with beautiful skin often say that if you pay attention to your skin and take good care of it, your skin will respond well.

That is what leads to beauty (apparently).

The more care you give your skin, the better it will be.

Skin is not just on your face, it also covers your whole body! It's important

Let's treat it with silk! It's a form of care.

This way, you may be able to maintain the health of your skin for as long as possible, after all, it's silk!

Let's do what we can now to protect our skin for the next 10 years or however many years from now!

It's like insurance for your skin.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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