A beginner's guide to silk...

New members are constantly being added to ar*

I'm really grateful that they came to such a small brand!

Min-chan, Mic-san, Y, Miy-san

Thank you so much

It's Big Love!

Today is Day 2 of Y

While glaring at the unfamiliar cash register, he role-played with me many times!

It's like playing shopping when we were kids! Lol

When customers come to the store, she proactively approaches them, asking them, "Would you like to try applying silk?" while holding a tube of ar*Silk Skin Veil.

Nice! Y

Not only Y, but also Min-chan, Mic-san, Miy-san, and Mary-san, of course.

Everyone is very friendly and communicates well with customers.

Lucky for us, our brand

I am blessed!

So, I thought I'd write down something that struck me today.

I (or maybe it's just me) come into contact with silk every day, so I'm so familiar with it, so close to it...to be honest, the goodness, the greatness, the excitement of silk has started to fade.

Just today, while bagging the warmers delivered from the factory, Y muttered to me, "Isn't it a great honor that this (warmer) and that (Silk Moisturizing Wash) are both made from this (cocoon ball)?"

When I replied "Huh? What?", he said "But it's from this (the cocoon)!"

I see, that's right

At first, I was amazed and impressed every time I got my hands on various silk products.

And every time I thought to myself, "Wow, that's amazing!"

Oh no! I should never have forgotten my original intention! That was the day I reflected on myself.

Since it is silk 24/7 (24/7), taking it off and putting it on, washing it with silk, and putting it back on makes it easy to forget how luxurious a life with silk is...

Maybe I should wear petroleum-based synthetic fibers sometimes to remind myself how amazing silk is? Lol.

It was a weekday evening when I thought

Silk is the best! Love Silk

I'm becoming insensitive to "Silk is the best"... That's not good lol

Silk maniac


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