Is silk economical?

The Yokohama pop-up store has ended successfully, and I feel relieved, but just when I needed a breather I headed to the Kamakura pop-up.

And Golden Week has begun!

The exhibition will be held in front of Gofuku, a store that sells kimonos, and as the sun is getting stronger we plan to stock lots of silk items with UV protection!

In April and May , the days get longer and the UV rays become stronger. I recommend taking measures before summer arrives! However , I myself have been getting more and more spots every year from the UV rays I was exposed to during my student days.


This year's Golden Week has seen seven times as many people traveling abroad compared to last year, and with the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, we 're back to normal. Kamakura was bustling from the first day with many tourists and locals, including families, friends, and wedding guests.

Some of the attendees were unfamiliar with silk, while others had been wearing it for years.

But the highlight of today was… I was moved by something a customer said .


"Silk is expensive, but it's economical in the end."

She said, "I wear it carefully and over again, and because it's my favorite, I'll wear it until it tears, so I think silk is economical for me."


This is truly exciting for those of us who sell silk.


First of all, it's my favorite material. And secondly, it gets torn because I wear it so many times. Yes, things will eventually break, but silk gets torn because it protects my skin.
This is because the material is weaker than the skin, i.e. not as strong, and is gentle on the skin, so if it does tear, it's not a bad thing when you think about your skin and yourself.

Even though they are cheap and easy to obtain, they are often candidates for being easily thrown away or for which we have no emotional attachment, and rather than realizing their value, they become just another item to get through each day. I also think that this is not sustainable.


...I know I sound like I'm all high and mighty, but I don't live a particularly careful life myself, so I just leave the drying and care of my body to silk and leave it to me.

Rather than thinking, "Is it cold today? Is it hot? ...", adjust your body temperature to a comfortable level with silk innerwear. Silk is warm even when it's cold, and doesn't get stuffy even when it's hot, so to put it mildly, it's the best. Therefore, coordinating your outerwear is easy.


When you pick up a product, the price tag may be higher than that of cotton or synthetic fibers, but silk is not just expensive, it is a price that is worth it, and if you wear it every day as your favorite, you will have fewer worries and you will be able to spend each day in comfort and quality. I think it is true that silk is generally economical because it is used many times.


If you are even slightly interested, please come visit our pop-up store in Kamakura!!


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