Is it because it's silk? Is it because it's spring?

Insomnia... was

Genuine insomnia

So I can watch foreign TV dramas (mostly US ones in my case) endlessly without sleeping.

In the past, I had to watch a lot of foreign TV dramas for work, and I thought that this trait of mine was a real gift.

I spent my days without sleep, watching foreign TV dramas, and going to work.

Still, because he was young, he was full of energy, and even when he went out drinking, he would watch foreign TV dramas after coming home.

Honestly, even though I hadn't slept, I had so much energy.

I guess he had the stamina

Is it because I had muscle strength? I haven't looked at any papers or data, so I don't know if you'd be fine without sleep if you had muscle strength and stamina.

But if I don't sleep, my brain doesn't work properly, I'm hungry so I've been eating all day so my Engel Coefficient goes up, and I'm losing moisture. My skin gets dry, which is not good for skin at my age.

However, I did have a special technique! On days when I want to sleep a lot, I take a long bath instead of a shower!

Now I take a bath almost every day, but in the past I took showers about 75% of the time.

I still watch a lot of overseas dramas, but I'm going to brag a little, but our brand has just completed a line of 100% silk pajamas , and since I started wearing them, I now fall asleep in seconds after getting into bed.

I can't believe it myself, but I've been watching endless overseas dramas and it's morning in seconds without me realizing it. Is there something different I'm doing? Is there anything else different? The only thing I can say is that I'm wearing 100% silk pajamas.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wear silk, and I don't want to suffer from insomnia because I don't wear silk on purpose, so I can't and don't want to experiment, but I'm happy every day knowing that my 100% silk pajamas will lull me into a deep sleep.

Being able to sleep is so good

I feel so happy every morning waking up after a deep sleep.

There's nothing like delicious morning coffee!

That's the story.

For those who suffer from insomnia, silk pajamas are the best ! Silk is the only thing that can beat it ! I can assure you.

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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