#13 Protect every part of your body

It's exam season. The news is full of talk about the national standardized exam.
When I took the test, it was called the Center Test, but before I knew it, the name and the detailed subjects had changed, and I thought it must have been difficult for the teachers. I don't have anyone around me, but I hope that the students do their best so that they don't have any regrets.

It's hard to believe now, but when I was in high school, I used to wear a skirt and navy blue knee-high socks, and although it was cold, I got used to it and it was fine. ( I think my feet were dry and flaky though..lol

Even though I was young, I think I was colder than I had imagined.
When I was studying for an exam, I remember wearing a belly band and feeling so much more productive and focused. Since then, I've been studying with a belly band every day.

I think he was careless about not getting cold and was just managing to get by thanks to the energy of youth, but I think staying warm is important at any age to improve your daily performance!

They say it's good to warm up the joints of your body.

So I made sure to protect my waist, neck, wrists, and ankles. By warming up, blood flow improved, so more oxygen reached my brain, which helped me concentrate.

In the same way, if you use a warmer when you go to bed, you can sleep soundly and feel refreshed the next day! Personally, I recommend using it to cover the top of your feet. There have been many times when I couldn't sleep because the top of my feet was cold, but by warming them and improving blood flow, my body can concentrate on sleeping.

2way Warmer / Silk Warmer

Believe it or not, it's up to you ... But seriously! Before you drink Yomeishu, give it a try! Lol
The next day, my legs feel much less tired, and I understand the importance of keeping the blood flowing well.

I received very positive feedback from friends who purchased warmers at the pop-up store, and I was truly glad that I recommended them.

If you purchase online, your item will be delivered in an ar* original drawstring bag.

Please recommend it to your loved ones too!


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