Silk towels finally see the light of day!?!

By coincidence, I was watching it too! In the episode "Excessive Hobbies Life!" of the TV program "Downtown DX," Muroi Shigeru said that she loves towels so much that she can't stop collecting them, and that she has piled up towels in her house, enough to fill a traditional Japanese inn, to the point where the number is abnormal!

Moreover, she is a "towel sommelier" and "honorary chairman of towels," and she's also an actress.

And, he loves towels so much that he made his own original towel.

That's a " silk towel "!

She knows too much about towels (that's why she's a towel sommelier! lol), and she loves towels so much that if she were to make her own original towel, she would choose silk as the material, and make a silk towel. In reality, you would probably make a towel out of cotton, like an Imabari towel, but she chose silk!?! She has such a good eye that I couldn't help but shout at the TV, "I know what you're talking about!"

And the next day after that broadcast

Customers immediately came into the store asking, "Do you have silk towels ?" Several of them!

The next day after the broadcast, I felt that the power of TV is still strong, as even a small brand like us, who still has a lot of work to do, received inquiries.

(Then the next day, "Do you sell silk towels ?")

Yes! We at ar* have been selling silk towels since the brand launch!

Silk bath towels

Silk face towel

Silk mini towel

Silk towels can be used not only after a bath, but also for washing your body, as a face towel, or to carry around with you to wipe away sweat. ar*'s soft silk towels are not only good for your skin, but they also make your skin beautiful!

It will become smooth and shiny!

It's a wonderful product that is not only functional but also has great beauty benefits!

Speaking of beauty benefits, some people find it useful to put it over their pillow as a pillow cover to care for their hair while they sleep, to prevent friction on the hair, and to automatically maintain a constant humidity and temperature for the hair's moisture content.

Personally, I would definitely recommend this towel for newborn babies! It is made of natural fibers that are closest to human skin, so towels made of this material are perfect for newborn babies!

So, many people have bought it as a gift for a newborn baby, saying, "It's great!"

As an aside, on the very first page of the towel sommelier textbook:

"When you are born, the first thing you hold is not your mother, but a towel."

It seems to be spelled as

Also, a baby's first friend is a towel, so we rely on towels 24/7 during the babyhood.

Although silk towels do not cause percutaneous sensitization, I can't help but think that because they are comfortable on the skin, they will grow up to be well-behaved children without tantrums.

Anyway, I highly recommend silk towels !

Please come to Coredo Nihonbashi and try out our silk towels !

You're sure to be surprised!!!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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