"Oh no, it was such a rare opportunity!"

I realized I had atopic dermatitis

Since then, my atopic dermatitis has repeatedly improved and worsened.

It got worse when I was living in the US, and when I was getting irritated by the constant homework, my atopic dermatitis got so bad I was getting annoyed. So I decided to go to the hospital, and the doctor examined me and gave me a topical ointment.

Maybe because it's a prescription ointment, it really works.

I thought American ointments were really good, so I liked using them.

When I returned to Japan for a long vacation, I went to a dermatologist in Japan to get some temporary medication for my atopic dermatitis. I brought along a prescription ointment that I had in stock in the US, and when I showed it to the doctor, he said, "Wow, this is American steroids, and it's pretty strong! If you keep using it, your skin will darken." I got scared and stopped using it after that (I was at an age where I was prone to this).

But at the same time

No wonder I got better so quickly. It was steroids, and a strong one at that.

I was convinced by myself.

Strangely enough, my atopic dermatitis doesn't get worse when I'm in America.

In my own analysis, I think it was probably because of the climate.

The weather is very dry and there isn't much rain (this is Los Angeles).

I think it's difficult to make a full recovery in Japan, where humidity is so high.

In fact, I have had atopic dermatitis in the same place for a long time.

In my case, it is the front surface of my upper arm.

The left side is very bad and I have chronic atopic dermatitis.

Last year, the atopic dermatitis started to spread downwards and I started to get rashes on my arms between my elbows and wrists.

The right side is sometimes not working and sometimes it's calm.

Even though I have atopic dermatitis, I never go to the dermatologist because it's too much of a bother.

If it gets worse, I'll have no choice but to go.

On top of that, I don't like using body cream...because my body and face get sticky with skincare products before I go to bed, it's stressful and I hate it.

(It's itchy, so I try my best to endure it while I'm conscious...but I just scratch it as hard as I can! That's how I've lived my life.)

For me, the launch of our own brand, ar* Silk Skin Veil

Needless to say, I was really looking forward to this more than anyone else.

And that has turned out to be a curse, and it's really a curse right now!

The long-awaited product has arrived and been delivered.

I was so happy, so I put everything aside and said "Yay!"

Apply ar* Silk Skin Veil to the atopic dermatitis for 4 days.

On the fifth day, things were getting noticeably better.

I went to Manten-no-yu, a place I often visit with my mother and father (previously it was Gokuraku-yu, and sometimes Ryusen-ji! Just a side note).

While soaking in the bathtub, I poured water over the area of ​​my upper arms where the atopic dermatitis was improving, and stroked it.

Just as I was thinking, "I'm feeling so much better, amazing! Silk Skin Veil !", I suddenly suddenly thought, "Ah! Ah!"

I realized

I wish I had taken pictures of my atopic dermatitis before I started using Silk Skin Veil .

I regret it very much, I really regret it, I still regret it

So, from that day on, I stopped using Silk Skin Veil and waited for my atopic dermatitis to get worse.

Still, it doesn't get any worse



If I stop using ar* Silk Skin Veil but still use ar* Moisturizing Wash , isn't there any point?

Oh, then I realized that silk underwear is no good either... and today...

I am waiting for my chronic atopic dermatitis to recur, so I can take some progress photos to prove that "using ar* Silk Skin Veil can make a huge difference!"

What I can tell you now is that in the case of partial atopic dermatitis like mine (based on my experience after 4 days), applying the cream for 4 days will improve the condition considerably.

To be honest, I am personally happy that my skin is no longer itchy and that my skin is feeling much better, but I really regret that I missed a golden opportunity to get evidence to convey the greatness of ar* Silk Skin Veil.

I'm so pissed at myself for being like that lol

I want my atopic dermatitis to get worse soon!

Silk is the best! Love Silk

Silk maniac


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